Boston Tea Party 2009 Update #4
Strictlys were last night!
Here are the Finalists:
- Corey Caron and Erin Caron
- Dave Damon and Sascha, bouncing back and forth between her adorable Lindy outfit and adorable west-coast outfit
- Eric Cudmore and Heidi Mongeau
- Greg and Lemery
- Jody and Connie
- Maxence and Veranne
- Joe Mahoney and Priscilla Brown
- John Kirkonnell and Jill Dammarco
- Larry Mongeau and Patti Jobst
- Victor and Willow
Followed by Invitational Strictlys WHAT A TREAT! Finalists will be paired with Lindy finalists for tomorrow’s “Crossover.”
This comp is always the highlight of the weekend. So funny! Like watching Michael Jordan do synchronized swimming!
Invitational Prelim Couples:
- Jordan and Tat
- Jason and Erica
- Robert and Nicola
- Robert Cordoba and Melissa Rutz
- Arjay and Deborah
- Kyle and Melina
- Ben and Sarah
- Mario and Blake
- Bill and Yuna
- John Lindo and Silvia Sykes
And the Finalists for tomorrow’s Crossover:
- Arjay
- Ben
- Lindo
- Jordan
- Kyle
- Deborah
- Sarah
- Sylvia
- Tat
- Melina
JJ’s in two hours!
We danced last night till 4am. Trying to save juice for today’s comp. Ballroom packed when we left.
At 10am this morning the Lindy music still hadn’t stopped! Couples were still throwing each other into chandeliers at 10am! That’s a first.
Breakfast buffet was GREAT this morning! No lonely table in corner of room, no Special-K, frozen bagels, liquified bananas. Real food! On a real buffet!
It’s sunny and beautiful!
Hotel ran out of key-cards so people have to get their credit-cards logged into the hotel database to use them as room keys.
We have hot water! (only mentioning because last year we did not.)
No elevators stuck yet!