Liza May

AAC 2009 – Update #4

Oh, and two other things:

  1. I asked Lisa D’Amico what the heck happened with their routine, did he blank out or sumpfin? and she said yeah that’s exactly what happened. So they just did side-passes for three minutes. To “Mercy” (Duffy). They didn’t even look phased. She says it doesn’t matter at all to either of them ’cause they’re so loved and supported in the Houston community they can go out and do *anything* and they have the community’s support. It was nice to hear how to handle major bombing like that cause I just know it’ll happen to us (if we ever get this routine on the floor, that is). So that explains that – they got out there and totally forgot their routine.
  2. The after-party last night was SMOKIN. We left at 3am to be at the airport at 5:30am and the place was just as crowded as during the comp, all the pro’s mixing it up all over the floor, too, dancing with everybody. Great social dancing. And the girls were LINING UP for Rob with his backwards-baseball-cap self. I mean, it was ridiculous. Wobbie Wob, our own Wobbie Wob. He’s good and all, but come ON now, he’s not THAT good, is he? (Har har just kidding just kidding. And don’t tell him I said that!).
  3. Oh yeah I forgot to mention there was a contingent from Scotland, a few people from London (including Mike Rosa and Sue Lampbell), four from France and a bunch down from Canada. As of last night the poor French group still had not received their luggage. They asked the airline pleeese pleeese do not *now* find our loogage and send thees to Houston because now we are on our way back to Paris. Ugh. I would have died without my big pink suitcase.

Filed Under: ACC

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