Liza May

Boston Tea Party 2012 Update #2

Here we are again, just like last year and the year before, and the year before that … saying,”That was the HARDEST I have ever laughed! Ever!”

We’ve just seen the Crossover! Amazing dancing AMAZING!

And before the Crossover the Opening Act: Steve and Rebecca’s ferocious 7-yr-old daughter Gracie and two of her cheerleading teammates challenging a motley collection of strangely enormous-looking Lindy and West Coast pros in a FIGHT TO THE DEATH!

So fun here! Ballrooms packed till 6am last night when the music finally stopped – west-coast in main ballroom, CRAZY fun crossover room behind the bar, Lindy room downstairs. All packed tonite, 4 o’clock as I write this.

Tomorrow I’ll tell you about Gracie! And her teammates! Crazy! And the Crossover! The costumes! And Strictlys, jj’s …

This is a special comp, perfect just as it is, SO FUN!

Filed Under: Boston Tea Party

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